Ireland is a very beautiful place to inhabit with one of the best food products in the world and an extraordinary culture. However, most foreigners from different parts of the world, especially the Asian and African continents prefer to settle in Ireland because of its productivity and much more.

Benefits of becoming a permanent residence in Ireland

There are so many benefits to becoming a permanent residence in Ireland that entails;

  1. Permanent residence in Ireland is a path to Irish citizenship after you have received an Irish passport. However, this is a gate to EU citizenship as well.
  2. It opens the door for you and your family to enjoy European citizenship for a lifetime.
  3. You get healthcare benefits and you also get the same education rights as Irish citizens.
  4. You can own a bank account and also expand your investment worldwide.
  5. You also benefit from their low co-op tax rate.
  6. Your children will benefit from their educational opportunities.

There are many other benefits to becoming a permanent resident in Ireland, but the above-mentioned ones are the main benefits.

Let me quickly summarise the immigration system in Ireland, and how arrivals can migrate to Ireland before explaining how you can apply for permanent residence in Ireland.

Quick advice on Ireland’s immigration system

There are different ways to emigrate to Ireland. However, it depends on the type of visa you receive. In this article, I will detail users about the study visa in Ireland and the work visa in Ireland. Applying for a visa in Ireland is a very simple process.

Study visas in Ireland

We have two main types of student visas in Ireland. However, before applying for their student visa, you must first be admitted to their institution. Once you meet their criteria and are accepted, the next step is to know the type of student visa you should receive. The Irish student visa includes;

  • Type C study visa: This type of study visa in Ireland is obtained by foreigners who wish to choose a program or course that lasts less than three months.
  • Type D study visa: This type of study visa in Ireland is obtained by foreigners who wish to choose a program or course that lasts more than three months.

Depending on the nature of your program, you need to know the type of student visa to apply to Ireland. However, one of the main requirements needed to apply is to provide proof of English language proficiency.

Working Visa in Ireland

We have two types of work permits in Ireland that includes;

  • Irish General Work Permit: For this type of work visa, any non-EU national is entitled to apply, meeting the basic requirements. In other words, as long as you have a job offer in Ireland and are a non-EU citizen, then you can be granted employment leave.
  • Work Permit for Critical Skills: This type of visa can only be obtained by highly skilled professionals in the list of highly skilled professions such as technology industries etc. However, this is a fast track to achieving permanent residency in Ireland.

Permanent Residence in Ireland

To achieve this, you must have lived in Ireland with a work permit of up to five (5) years. However, once this is achieved, you get stamp 4 on your passport which is valid for 5 years and renewable.

Unlike other countries, you cannot obtain permanent residence in Ireland with a student visa, intra-corporate transfer, working holiday visa, or refugee status. The only proper way to achieve permanent residence in Ireland is either through work permit authorization or if you are the spouse or dependent of an Irish permanent residence holder. These are the two main ways to get permanent residence in Ireland.

If you have any other questions about immigration to Ireland or how you can easily migrate to Ireland, please let me know through the comments section. I won’t hesitate to help you. Remember that once you have reached permanent residence status in Ireland, you can then easily apply for Irish citizenship.

By Admin

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